Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shopping Night moved to October

If you plan on being a part of the Boutique you must be at Maggie's home at 8:15 pm with all samples and a sign that says:
1. Name of Item or services
2. Description of item or services
3. Cost per hour for service (in the end we decided that each individual is free to charge as little or as much as she wishes for her labor- obviously if you are over/underpriced it will affect how much you sell.. )

The shopping should last no more than an hour. I (Maggie) will provide an order form for Giver and recipient to fill out as well as Service agreements. When you arrive at my home there will be a table for services, a table for food and a table for crafted items. I will 'sell' Santa bucks to all who wish to buy them (don't forget your checkbook or cash) and then just get ready for some fun!! If you want to be able to truly barter with everyone YOU NEED TO ATTEND THIS SHOPPING NIGHT!


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